Welcoming Arms
*Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations Non-Profit & Charities
Welcoming Arms started operation in October 2006. The concept originated through discussions between a number of the churches in Aurora as they looked at the needs of low-income families in the town. Families and individuals were coming to the churches looking for financial assistance to help get them through the month. Typically these people were either unemployed or on government assistance through Ontario Works or disability programs.
The view of the church leaders was that the community could be better served if the churches’ resources were pooled somehow, in this way there could be more leverage gained from the financial and human resources of the churches. From these discussions Welcoming Arms was born.
In June 2018, Welcoming Arms was very pleased to welcome two existing community meal programs, Martha's Table and Welcome Table, to join our mission to love and serve those in need in Aurora. By working together, we can do more for our community.